Crawford Wellness Herbal Marketplace

We make available natural products that have been observed to make a difference in the lives of our patients, friends and family. 
You’re in good hands shopping with us.

Your Best Source for All-Natural Relief From Pain and Chronic Illness

We’re a small, family-owned company focused on quality and customer service. The prices on products here might be higher than what you’ll see for natural goods at other websites or vitamin stores, because the level of quality of these products (particularly the botanicals) is incredibly high, and the production runs are very small. The ingredients in these products are often sustainably wild-crafted or sourced from small family farms.  Also the manufacturers often set the minimum advertised price for online sales. If you’re a patient at the clinic, give us a call to order.

Many people assume that any online sales of supplements are a scam; and sadly that’s because too many companies targeting people with pain and chronic illness are just trying to profit off of fear and desperation. If you came here from our social media you’ll probably have noticed we give many options for relief ranging from breathing exercises, to self-massage, to diet and lifestyle practices; and we always recommend speaking with your medical provider before trying any new supplement or remedy. We have these items for sale as one more option based on their safety & efficacy record in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but it can never be a replacement for individualized care. 

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Rehmannia Six Formula (Granules)
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Product Details
Brand: treasureoftheeast

Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Chinese Name: 六味地黄丸, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
English Name: Rehmannia Six Formula
Item Number: L060

Formula Principles: 

  • Enriches Yin

  • Nourishes the Essence of the Liver and Kidney

  • Promotes Longevity


Shu Di Huang Rehmannia Root (Processed)
Shan Yu Rou Cornus Fruit (Processed)
Shan Yao Dioscorea Rhizome
Ze Xie Alisma Rhizome
Fu Ling Poria
Mu Dan Pi Moutan Bark

TCM Pattern

  • Kidney Yin Deficiency

  • Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency

  • Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency

  • Weak Constitution


Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 

Also available as Capsules and Granules in Bulk Packaging

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